Respect and Trust Your Employees

From the Better Business Bureau Trust Brief …

In “Seven Things Employees Are Thinking – But Won’t Say,” from The BNET/Owners’ Manual blog (6/13), Respect and Trust are at the top of the list:

1. “Give me an important task and I know you respect me…” Assigning a critical task to an employee is a definite sign of respect. The more important the project and the bigger the impact if the project succeeds — or fails — the greater the implied respect. But why stop there?

2. “… but give me an important task that I have to figure out and I know you trust me.” As a leader, it’s natural to tell employees how to carry out a particular task. After all, you know what needs to be accomplished and have definite ideas regarding how. Assign a project without extensive direction or outlining a series of steps and employees instantly know you not only respect their abilities but also trust their creativity and judgment. Feeling respected is great; feeling respected and trusted is awesome.