From Gallup: How Fear Destroys Companies

Breaking the Fear Barrier: How Fear Destroys Companies From the Inside Out and What to Do About It, is the latest book from Gallup Press.

According to Gallup, ” … in companies, fear can take many forms: fear of not meeting a goal, of not getting a bonus, of losing respect. Fear compels employees and managers to protect themselves by creating impenetrable barriers fortified by rules and practices that benefit one group over others.

These barriers might seem insurmountable, but they’re not. They were built internally — they can be destroyed internally.

By learning from the real-world lessons in Breaking the Fear Barrier, leaders, managers, and employees can overcome the barriers that plague their company. It takes courageous leadership, and it can be difficult. But the result will be nothing less than transformational.”

Fear is the opposite of Trust. Once again, it’s all about Trust.