Trust Works! Facilitator Certification Training and Solutions Integration Training – Trust Works Group

I attended the TrustWorks! Facilitator Certification and  Solutions Integration Training in San Diego on April 21-24, 2009, sponsored by TrustWorks Group. In the three and a half day certification, I learned the ABCD’s of Trust, a behavioral model that focuses on four core elements – Able, Believable, Connected and Dependable – necessary in building a trusting, productive work environment.

The essence of the model is that we each bring different perspectives around trust. Because trust is based on behaviors and perceptions, it is important to come up with a common language to talk about trust. By linking specific components and core behaviors to each of the four elements, the model provides a solid tool for any team, leader or organization.

The three TrustWorks! programs address trust development in a positive and proactive way:

Myself as a Trust Builder – This program helps individuals look at themselves as Trust Builders and gives people an approach for analyzing and strengthening their trustworthy behaviors. These are life skills that can help in any of our daily interactions and relationships.

Leader as a Trust Builder –  Leaders play a significant role in identifying, influencing and proactively addressing trust issues in the workplace. And, building leadership trust is an economic issue directly affecting the bottom line; clearly, the soft stuff is the hard stuff. In this training, leaders of all kinds identify their strengths and challenges in building trust and create an action plan to become more trustworthy leaders.

Great Teams – Designed for new teams, teams in progress, and “stuck” teams, this program provides a framework for teams to talk about trust. The training offers basic tools to help communication, a common way to assess how a team is doing, and a language for teams to work through difficulties that may arise and trust in one another so that goals can be met.

Remember … It’s All About Trust!