The presumption of trust

A December 17,2008 article in The Nation, Bernard Madoff, Trust-Buster, states, “Business runs on trust, and Bernard Madoff has busted it.”

“Madoff has sown the seeds of suspicion everywhere. He has caused us to doubt men and women with whom we have done business with for years. There is no way of knowing if someone is a con-artist. The presumption of trust is gone.” 

“Business runs on trust, and Bernard Madoff has busted it … Fear, confusion and mistrust has been amplified by the absence of government supervision, regulation or policing. The Securities and Exchange Commission admits it did not do its job … the result is the heart-wrenching situation for millions who fear that they will be living out the last decades of their lives counting their food stamps and hunting for bargains in the used clothing bins.”

The article states, “Madoff and the crash underline the powerlessness of the millions.” Let us hope that President-elect Obama and his administration will