Gregg Braden: The Divine Matrix

I attended the Celebrate Your Life! Conference in Chicago over the weekend and heard a fascinating presentation by Gregg Braden, the New York Times best-selling author (The God Code, Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer) and former senior aerospace computer systems designer who explores the bridging of science and spirituality.

In Gregg’s latest book, The Divine Matrix, the result of 20 years of research, he describes the missing link in our understanding that provides the container for the universe, the bridge between all things, and the mirror that shows us what we have created. The Divine Matrix is about the power to change our bodies and our world, based on our feelings and belief of what is real.

In an interview with Gregg Braden in the March/April 2007 issue of Mystic Pop: the “Now Age” Magazine, he talks about finding a way to trust our power in this world and know that we are empowered to participate.

In reflecting on this new “participatory universe” we live in, I think about citizen marketers, You Tube, My Space, and the new social media technologies of our Internet community and realize that the changes in the way we work and interact are all part of a bigger shift in consciousness that is happening in our world. We are not passive observers — we have the power to create, we have input and we have a say in the outcome of our lives.