Career/Life Transitions Coaching

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Navigating toward your highest and best self …

  • Ready to serve your higher purpose? expand your view? move in a different direction? bring reality to your dreams?
  • Open to change and new possibilities?
  • Dissatisfied with your current job?
  • In job transition? Ready to re-invent yourself?
  • Looking to make a difference in the world?
  • Daring to risk and step into your greatness?

Get in touch for a 30 minute complimentary coaching session.

What do I offer as a coach? A special understanding of communication …

  • Strong interpersonal communication
    • Builds trust, person by person
  • Clear, efficient and effective communication
    • Reflective listening and direct questioning
    • Pays attention to the words and feelings that are being expressed, stays focused, hears with understanding, reflects back and is fully present
    • Listens and believes in your dream
  • Goal setting
    • Brings diligence and orderly procedures to your work, providing you with structure in a way that’s not limiting and freeing you up so that you can be more effective
    • Offers strategies to manage your thinking, clarify your goals and help you create new choices
    • Brings truth and reality to your dream, giving life to your vision and the dream you have been holding in your heart
  • Intuitive coaching
    • Perceives when head and heart are not on the same track
    • Notices incongruencies and what isn’t said

Trust Matters in Coaching 

You will be able to trust in me and my efforts because I come from a place of care, understanding and compassion and bring my emotional guidance and wisdom, work to understand and care for your journey, your cause, your mission, and your intention. I help you honor your creative source and soul’s calling, create and sustain an atmosphere of hope, and invite possibility by inspiring you to move beyond what is in front of you and trust in yourself, your vision, your feelings and your dream as the only way to move forward.

Trust works both ways. Trust is built over time as coach and client learn that each can be counted on. In a relationship based on truth telling and openness, the coach trusts in the client’s capacity and integrity and clients see that their coach is a person who believes in them. A coaching relationship is built on the premise that people are naturally creative, resourceful and whole and capable of making the best choices.

Learn more about my personal coaching services.

Create a new path ~ Chart a new course!

Let’s work together!