
  • Rock-solid reliability and integrity.
  • Both focused and flexible.
  • Open and receptive to changing direction as your needs change; easy to work with.
  • Natural empathy that gives me credibility.
  • Gets the job done, paying attention to the details and the big picture view.
  • Diligent and orderly, providing you with structure and procedures in a way that’s not limiting, freeing you up so that you can be more effective.
  • Works to understand and care for your journey, your cause, your mission and your intention.
  • Gives you work that comes from the heart.

Philosophy: Trust Matters

The soft stuff in trust is the hard stuff in trust: accountability, authenticity, credibility, honesty, integrity, respect and transparency.

Trust matters throughout organizations, especially in today’s business climate. Trust is critical in employee and customer engagement and retention, and can have a bottom-line impact on profitability. Building trust improves morale, lowers turnover, improves productivity, increases job satisfaction, and adds value for the business, its customers and audiences.

The Order of Things

We bring the opportunity to identify the order of things. Order provides a focus and some structure, yet there is fluidity. It clarifies the steps, the possibilities, and the blueprint for getting from where you are to where you desire to be.

Communicating Change

Managing the human side of change is critical, as people typically do not embrace change right away. It’s all about people, participation and inclusion.

Managing Transitions

There’s more to the process than “Just Do It.” Guiding people through a transition takes much longer than the change itself.

For a more in depth look at my philosophy, please read “What is Trust?” and “Why Trust Matters“.